Les Coops de l’information: United to Inform
Home | The Market Buzz | Les Coops are a press group comprised of six news cooperatives
Les Coops de l’information: United to Inform
“One can’t exist without the other, both formats are complementary and necessary to inform our readers,” explains Benjamin Lemay, Director of Digital Ad Revenue Development. “We provide quality local information about major issues affecting different communities while contributing to their vitality and development.”
Benjamin Lemay Tweet
Through their advertising tool called pubLib (www.centrepublicitaire.lescoops.ca), campaigns can be created and tailored to the specific needs of the Coops de l’info and their clientele. This tool is proving to be an asset in their regional development, a top priority for the group.
“It is essential to act within our community, to evolve by favouring local businesses first and foremost,” says Lemay, who manages the campaign platform. “These campaigns support the media in their region in a way that bypasses the major American platforms, which unfortunately never get involved on a local scale.”
Benjamin Lemay Tweet
For Les Coops de l’info, being actively involved in the local community has always been at the heart of its mission, even a source of pride.
A partnership with M32ads was a natural choice. It allows small players to carve out a place of their own, at a lower cost. “To achieve this, we access a modern, easy-to-use platform with a clear language and a dynamic interface to obtain a visually engaging campaign that effectively targets our needs and those of our local businesses,” says Benjamin Lemay. “We are dropping individual campaigns by joining together for more effective results, while still advocating for our community.”
Les Coops de l’info benefitted greatly from the M32ads Ad Center. The name of the press group circulates on the platform and offers enhanced visibility to its customers. Planning an advertising campaign has never been so simple, fast and effective!
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Lisa Camacho
Based in our Toronto location, Lisa has several years of experience in ad operations and digital sales. Within the M32 team, she’s leading the publishers and agencies relationships in Canada and USA. Connect with Lisa if you’d like to learn more about M32!